Mall Wala, also spelled Mal Wala, Mallwala or Malwala, is a village of Talwandi Sabo tehsil of Bathinda district of Indian Panjab. The surrounding villages includes Bhukhianwali. Mall Wala is approximately centered at 30°02′50″N 74°54′27″E / 30.047262°N 74.907455°E. Located at nearly 205 meters above sea level, it's 23 kilometres from district headquart…Mall Wala, also spelled Mal Wala, Mallwala or Malwala, is a village of Talwandi Sabo tehsil of Bathinda district of Indian Panjab. The surrounding villages includes Bhukhianwali. Mall Wala is approximately centered at 30°02′50″N 74°54′27″E / 30.047262°N 74.907455°E. Located at nearly 205 meters above sea level, it's 23 kilometres from district headquarter, Bathinda. The surrounding villages includes Bhukhianwali, Dunne Wala and Gurthari.