Wilson County authorities and first responders are making sure they're equipped and prepared in case of an active shooter ...
Wilson County first responders attended a multi-agency active shooter training Thursday. It was hosted at Friendship ...
Lee Underwood, a Type I diabetic and cancer survivor, is seeking a living kidney donor after being diagnosed with stage 5 ...
A Wilson County man, Benjamin Richard Knihtila, pleaded guilty to tax evasion and received probation and a fine after a ...
The Wilson County Democratic Party will hold a Biannual Reorganization Convention to elect new leaders on Saturday, April 19. The meeting will take place at the Arnett Educational Building at ...
Some of the stores that organizers are asking consumers not to shop at include Walmart, Best Buy, Target or Amazon.
WILSON COUNTY, Tenn. (WKRN) — It’s the price of growth: Wilson County Animal Control is running out of space. On Monday, March 17, the agency will ask county commissioners for permission to ...
Wilson County 4-H members Samuel Cordray, Elijah Hancock, John Hancock and Tiffany Jenkins attended Tennessee 4-H Congress in Murfreesboro and Nashville March 9-12.