How Do I Get My 1098-T Form? If eligible, you will receive a 1098-T form in the mail the last week in January. Verify your address on MyUTSA Account to make sure the form will be delivered to the ...
Start the day smarter. Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning. The 1098-E form is a student loan interest statement. It states how much interest you paid on student loans within a ...
Receiving a 1098-E form may allow you to deduct student loan interest on your federal tax return. This deduction can reduce your taxable income by up to $2,500, offering some financial relief for ...
How Do I Get My 1098-T Form? If eligible, you will receive a 1098-T form in the mail the last week in January. Verify your address on MyUTSA Account to make sure the form will be delivered to the ...