With the design of the Tough feat in D&D 5e, taking it earlier or later during the leveling process will result in the same net gain of maximum hit points. Should a D&D 5e Cleric take the mantle ...
Whether searching for greater spell mastery, or simply looking to esnure a wizard doesn't die after a hit or two, the right feats can make all the difference. With the updated D&D 5e 2024 Player's ...
In the new Unearthed Arcana, Dragonmarks are now classed as Feats, each player can only have a single Dragonmark tattoo at a time, and they have an upgradeable option at later levels. The intention is ...
Upcoming subclasses, like Path of the Giant for Barbarian, tap into primordial power for strength feats in combat. New subclasses, like Circle of the Stars Druid, are based on earlier 5e versions.