Propulsive yet charming, WarGames is a quintessential '80s movie that foresaw the high ... Released in 1985, this sci-fi black comedy follows Jonathan Pryce as a low-level government employee ...
While '80s sci-fi and '80s horror are distinctly beloved, '80s comedies are a breed unto themselves. While the movie sounds ...
2025 has arrived, and so has a new batch of sci ... sci-fi fans themselves. Plus, the movie has an outstanding cast, including big names like Sigourney Weaver and Alan Rickman, as well as comedy ...
Starring Matt Damon and Jessica Chastain, Sir Ridley Scott's The Martian has rarely been deemed a comedy, but those few ...
If there's one genre synonymous with the 1980s, it's science fiction. But with so many movies to pick from, it begs the question: What are the greatest '80s sci-fi movies of all time? As the sun ...