The concept of magic in anime, and even in every other form of entertainment, is vast and has endless potential. It is essentially the bedrock of the fantasy genre and is one of the most used ...
For fans eagerly awaiting new episodes of Magic Maker as Shion pursues his magical innovations and destiny as a hero, here are 10 more great isekai anime series to enjoy in the meantime.
The bulk of the episode was heavily focused on Shion analyzing the properties of his magic and how it reacts to certain elements, such as electricity and fire, while also understanding how this ...
A man who dies in the modern world while harboring a longing for magic is reincarnated in another world as a baby named Shion. Hoping that magic finally exists in another world, Shion is ...
Maybe the real Liam is just practicing magic in the woods while this is all happening? If the creators behind this anime are content to put zero thought into this anime, why should I waste my time ...
When you're an isekai anime hero, you've gotta up your quality of life. Hence, these "inventions" from another world!
Studio EMT Squared’s The Unaware Atelier Master drops in April 2025! Don’t miss this enchanting blend of humor and fantasy.
Bling-Bang-Bang-Born, the opening of Mashle: Magic and Muscles' second season, surpassed 300 million views on YouTube. Creepy Nuts, a Japanese hip-hop duo, performed the popular anime opening ...