Habitat degradation and erratic rainfall conditions are impacting the movement of birds through northern Australia's ...
A contentious battle continues to rage in one Aussie state. And this video shows why one side is so 'exhausted'. Watch it ...
Scientists call for the federal government to invest more in preventing the disease from spreading to Australia's $5 billion ...
You might know South Australia's iconic Coorong from the famous Australian children's book, Storm Boy, set around this ...
“This is absolutely disgusting! These creatures are our Native Australian birds and have as much right as we do to this earth! We are here to protect them,” one resident posted on Facebook.
Australian mistletoe has gone from being viewed as a parasite harming native trees to being a Robin Hood figure in the ...
In Newcastle, Australia, hundreds of corellas fell from trees in distress, many disoriented and bleeding, with euthanasia needed for over 60 birds. The New South Wales EPA suspects mass poisoning ...
Protesters are gatecrashing politicians’ events before the election has begun. Conservatives claim it shuts down debate.
THE detection of avian influenza in a sheep in the United Kingdom has not increased the risks to Australia, a Department of ...
Analysing 17 years of data about the movement of nearly 800 endangered purple-crowned fairy-wrens in north-west Western Australia, researchers have for the first time been able to identify exactly how ...