"We were already able to show in earlier studies that genetically switching off the vitamin B6-degrading enzyme pyridoxal ...
In 2007, Kohsaka and colleagues developed a novel model of myositis that involved injecting B6 mice with fragments of recombinant skeletal C-protein, a myosin-binding protein that regulates the ...
Current available mouse strains: 10BiT.Foxp3gfp GF, 10BiT.Foxp3gfp ASF, B6 CD45.1 GF, B6 CD45.1 ASF, B6 Rag GF, B6 Rag ASF, Swiss Webster GF ...
Chimeric mice are used to achieve germline transmission ... which were obtained from parental ES cell lines from one of two genetic backgrounds: B6 albino (C57BL/6J-Tyrc-2J) or 129 (129S1/SvImJ ...