This makes it a perfect complementary flavor for cocktails like the Negroni, Americano, Boulevardier, Old Pal, and more.
1.Em um copo long drink, adicione o vermute e o campari. Coloque bastante gelo e complete com cub soda. Finalize com rodela e casca de laranja.
Do you enjoy the bittersweet, refreshing flavors of a well-made Negroni? Maybe you’d like it even more if it didn’t have the piney, herbal flavors of gin. If so, you’ll love the original ...
A Spaghett is traditionally made with Aperol, Miller High Life, and a squeeze of lemon, but this recipe forgoes the citrus altogether and amps up the bitter quotient with the more intense Campari ...
Love an Aperol Spritz? Try a Negroni. It's a darker, more intense spritz that has been a favourite in top hotels and cocktail bars for a century. The classic Negroni is now 100 years old - and it ...
4th of July with Cassia and Puggsy: Americano Cocktails Independence Day calls for a refreshing mixed drink, and cocktail connoisseur Cassia Schifter and her trusty assistant Puggsy are celebrating ...