An updated bike plan that could add hundreds of miles of new bike lanes and trails to Dallas over the next 20 years is getting closer to city council approval. City officials said Tuesday that ...
The city is updating its bike plan for the first time in years, but cycling advocates say Dallas needs to kick the work into ...
A public art partnership is bringing sculpture to Dallas' walking and bike trails, and the first piece has been installed.
From there, follow the signs to 22 miles of some of the best off-road biking trails in Dallas. How the Dallas Off-Road Bicycle Association managed to pack that much trail on that hilltop is a mystery.
Many trails drop cyclists onto three- or four ... Rebekah Kornblum with the Dallas Bicycle Coalition said she wants to see the same here – but the city has its work cut out for it.
“They weren’t even involved in the trail ride,” said Dallas County Sheriff Mike Granthum. “During that time, there was some sort of altercation that broke out. There was a lot of drinking ...
The Texas Land Conservancy has partnered with the Dallas Off-Road Bicycle Association to create a series of clearly marked, well-maintained bike trails at all levels of challenge, from beginner to ...