The guy who sprayed left a good buffer of three-quarters of a mile in one spot and ... a handful of dicamba-related complaints in 2017. “Growers are working hard to spray the right way.
An herbicide may "drift" from the agricultural fields where it's sprayed and harm weeds that grow at the edge of the fields, ...
which have been tested and found to not have an adverse effect on the spray drift properties of the dicamba herbicide formulation the applicator will use. Before mixing: Applicators are required ...
TUCSON, Ariz.— In a sweeping victory for family farmers and dozens of endangered plants and animals, a federal court today revoked approval of the extremely volatile, weed-killing pesticide dicamba.
WASHINGTON— Researchers at the National Institutes of Health have found that use of the pesticide dicamba can increase the risk of developing numerous cancers, including liver and intrahepatic bile ...