The total number of active drilling rigs for oil and gas in the United States held steady this week, according to new data ...
Petrobras (NYSE:PBR) may move a drilling rig out of Brazil's offshore Potiguar Basin due to lack of permits for more wells, Chief Exploration and Production Officer Joelson Mendes said Wednesday ...
The rig is part of a $300 million contract covering deepwater exploration offshore Brazil, where it will operate in water ...
The first type of elevating device uses hydraulic cylinders equipped with moving and stationary ... wells can be drilled with drilling slot jackups, the rig can also be jacked up over another ...
Kolibri Global Energy (KGEI) provided an earnings release update and an operations update on its next wells in its Tishomingo field in ...
U.S. drilling activity remains steady with 592 rigs, but the Permian Basin sees a decline, falling three rigs to 301.
The Zacks Oil and Gas - Drilling industry faces a mixed outlook, with domestic challenges and international opportunities shaping its future. U.S. rig counts have declined by 18% over the past ...
a move that has widely impacted the global offshore rig market. Under the terms of the proposed alliance, Arabian Drilling will gain access to Shelf Drilling’s extensive international operating ...