Medically reviewed by Maria M. LoTempio, MD You can drain fluid from your ear at home with techniques like applying a warm compress and inhaling steam, popping your ears, or pulling your earlobe. Over ...
Medically reviewed by Dale Garber, MD A variety of methods can help you get water out of your ear. You can usually remove water from your ear by tilting your head and gently pulling on your ear. The ...
There are several possible causes of ear congestion, including sinusitis, allergies, and earwax impaction. Over-the-counter (OTC), prescription, and natural treatments can help treat ear congestion.
And stop using them if you notice discomfort, burning, ear draining or discharge, or dizziness. What Not to Do to Clean Your Ears THE OLD ADAGE, “Don't stick anything smaller than your elbow in ...
Then, harmful bacteria multiply. External ear infections: The outer ear canal gets infected, causing pain or drainage, Zoizner-Agar said. These infections are common in older kids. They're often ...
Gently rub the outside of your ear. Tilt your head to the side to let the mixture drain out after 30 seconds. Do not use this method if you have an outer ear infection, perforated eardrum ...