A prized fish among Garden State anglers, the Eastern brook trout has seen significant population declines in recent years, threatened by several factors — from increasing water temperatures to ...
In recognition of the need to address range-wide threats to brook trout, the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV) was formed in 2005. The goals of the EBTJV are to implement coordinated ...
Millions of dollars are coming to New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York waterways to improve habitat for the native Eastern brook trout. The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection ...
The total value of an artist’s artworks sold at auction over a specific period. This metric reflects the artist’s overall market activity and demand in monetary terms. The middle value of all realized ...
During the next three months, hatchery-raised rainbow, brown and brook trout will be released into ... Years ago, the eastern side of the state would warm up quicker than the western side, Myers ...
They are focused on restoring river habitats for Eastern brook trout, the state fish in both New Hampshire and Vermont. "Our river restoration work in Vermont and New Hampshire has focused on fish ...