BLM leaders never had the desire or will to do what it takes to preserve Sage-grouse populations. Sage-grouse plans make ...
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management has released a draft management plan for the Greater Sage Grouse, which could tighten ...
This analysis examines declining fragmentation impacts from oil and gas development in Wyoming over the last 20 years due to ...
There are a number of iconic Wyoming wildlife experiences that truly must be done in person. Videos just don’t relay the true ...
A symbol of the American West, the greater sage grouse is a large, ground-dwelling bird known for its spell-binding mating dances, in which the males inflate their chests to show off their strength.
Federal sage-grouse plans issued in 2015 both hurt the ... Members of Congress in the Great Basin states may be particularly interested in seeking disapproval of the two RODs that cover their ...
Human-Wildlife Interactions Vol. 7, No. 2, Fall 2013 Occurrence and success of greater sage-g... Occurrence and success of greater sage-grouse broods in relation to insect-vegetation community ...
An unlikely coalition is fighting to protect the Gunnison sage-grouse. Theresa Childers, wildlife biologist at Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, is poring over a red-and-blue map revealing ...
Across the range of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; sagegrouse), collaborative groups focused on local-scale sage-grouse management, known as local working groups (LWGs), have been a ...
This is a great start, but we’ve got to do much more to confront the mining industry’s threats to sage grouse and other imperiled animals and plants.” In June 2023 a federal judge fully vacated a set ...
Sage grouse are strong fliers with recorded speeds up to 78 km hour Leks – the display ground used by males - can be 100s of years old, birds return to the same breeding grounds year upon year.