The guitarist's comments come in the wake of his clever solution to the noise restrictions that affected Dead & Company’s Las ...
Despite saying his tone “can only come from the ignition inside of a tube”, the Dead & Company guitarist thinks this amp ...
Guitar amplifiers have a hard life, and as anyone who’s run a venue can tell you, they often have significant electrical issues after a life on the road. [Dsagman] had a Vox amplifier with fried ...
Long before the current plethora of ‘rig-in-a-box’ pedals there was the Rockman. Anyone who played electric guitar in the ...
1,800,000 square feet of guitar ... listen that this pedal is special and perfectly encapsulates the original. The best, though, has to be the fact that what is a high-end amp, costing around ...
Last week, [Dino] found an old 5-watt tube amp in someone ... the simplest effect pedal you can make. All you’ll need to do is vary the amplitude of the guitar’s signal at regular intervals.
Amps are cheap and no longer terrible. And we have iOS devices and apps which can replace whole suitcases full of effects pedals. That’s what we’re looking at today – iPad (and iPhone) guitar amp ...
For those who want more treble, there's an EQ pedal you can tweak after adding to the signal ... and while the Neo itself is priced than some modelling amps that plug into your guitar's jack, in ...