As one of the smelliest foods in the world, eating surströmming is not for the faint of heart. However, there are ways to ...
When it comes to protein, fish is often dubbed as a nutritious—and delicious—option. It's also wonderfully versatile and easy to cook, whether you prefer it with leafy greens, ...
A comparison of the fast-growing fish-eating Baltic herring (Slåttersill in Swedish) and slow-growing plankton-eating spring- and autumn-spawning Baltic herring. Photo: Leif Andersson.
Scientists urge UK public to eat more locally-produced oily fish. Most oily fish produced in the UK are not consumed domestically, but study shows that nutrients "lost" due to exports could both ...
Intresting case of Punctuated Equilibria sub-speciation in the Atlantic herring. It colonized brakish and very recently fully formed Baltic sea (8 Ka BP). Planktivore turned in to piscivore with ...