Kiara Advani was spotted wearing ₹70,000 Prada 'sneaker heels' while promoting Good Newwz in New Delhi. These are the same 'sneaker heals' worn last year by Nicki Minaj during the European Music ...
Kiara Advani shows how to rock denim in the most chic way with her stylish midi dress. Here’s everything you need to know to ...
If you're still wondering what to wear for the New Year party, take a cue from the stunning Kiara Advani. Known for her ...
Recently, we've noticed actresses embracing denim dresses, and it seems like this could be the beginning of a new trend in ...
Bollywood is home to some of India's most fashionable faces and Kiara Advani sits high on that list. Whether it's on the screen in her upcoming movie Game Changer or on the red carpet at celebrity ...
Kiara Advani promotes her upcoming film 'Game Changer ... and gold peep-toe block heels, perfectly complementing the outfit's opulence. For her beauty look, Kiara opted for soft glamour.
Two fans tragically lost their lives in a road accident after attending Game Changer's pre-release event in Rajahmundry.