Kefir contains less lactose than milk. When kefir grains and milk are combined, the bacteria in the grains help ferment and break down the lactose in the milk. But kefir does contain some lactose ...
The bacteria ferment lactose (a natural sugar in milk) and produce lactic acid. This causes the proteins in milk to curdle and results in the tangy yogurt taste and texture. Yogurt can be made ...
If any lactose-fermenting bacteria grow and produce gas, the medium will turn yellow and bubbles will be present in the Durham tub. It is thus "presumed" that coliforms are present. This test is also ...
Spotting the signs and taking the right steps can really boost the quality of life for those dealing with lactose intolerance ...
This is a test commonly used when trying to identify Gram-negative enteric bacteria, all of which are glucose fermenters but only some of which produce gas. *Note - broth tubes can be made containing ...
Similar to those used for sourdough, when kefir grains are added to milk and left for 24 hours, the microorganisms multiply and this starts the fermentation process, turning the lactose into ...