A seal has been spotted wrangling a large eel for its lunch. Biology teacher Dr Jeremy Rowe filmed the seal after spotting it wrestling something in the water off Portland Bill on Saturday. Dr Rowe ...
The global trade is shifting focus from the critically endangered European eel to the American eel, raising new conservation ...
To investigate the prevalence and consumption of endangered eels, a research team examined 327 individual eel products purchased across 86 retailers throughout Singapore. The team discovered ...
While practising law, Holland wanted to get into the fishing business. His first plan was to build a freshwater smolt ...
It also takes some time for the eel to recharge after a large shock. However, people have been killed by electrical sources as low as 42 volts. Respiratory difficulties or heart failure may occur ...
Biology teacher Dr Jeremy Rowe filmed the seal on Saturday A seal has been spotted "wrestling" a large eel for its lunch. Biology teacher Dr Jeremy Rowe filmed the seal after spotting it with ...
A seal has been spotted "wrestling" a large eel for its lunch. Biology teacher Dr Jeremy Rowe filmed the seal after spotting it with something in the water off Portland Bill, Dorset, on Saturday.