These marine giants, which can be found in all of the world’s oceans ... endangered according to the IUCN’s Red List of ...
The first thing is that all mammals have hair like sloths ... a discussion about animal groups. Pupils could list the characteristics of mammals and identify animals as mammals based on these ...
Not all mammals are created equal. Though all wonderful creatures, some are more suited to human companionship than others.
Elephants are strong swimmers that enjoy being in water. They have dense bones, thick skin, and a layer of subcutaneous fat that helps them stay afloat ...
Among other things, we give birth to live young, we’re warm-blooded, and, perhaps most obviously, we all have hair ... of webbed feet? This list is comprised of mammals who have clearly ...
The ear bones of mammals were once the jaws of prehistoric reptiles. And so on. Despite these differences, all mammals share four traits that are shown in the diagram below: hair, mammary glands ...
Mammals live all across the world. They can be found living in the ground, in trees, and even in the sea. There are many different kinds of mammal, including us humans! Find out more about ...
Deep in their bones, all mammals are related. The earliest known mammals were the morganucodontids, tiny shrew-size creatures that lived in the shadows of the dinosaurs 210 million years ago.
Two studies published in the latest issue of Science have revealed that birds, reptiles, and mammals have developed complex ...
All eventually died. A post-mortem examination revealed that the whales showed signs of decompression sickness (what scuba divers call "the bends"). Decompression sickness can occur when a mammal ...
Did you know that there are 18 species of bats in the UK, and 17 of them breed here? There are 28 other species of terrestrial mammals, some of which you are likely to find in urban areas, such as the ...