W hale song is something we humans listen to when relaxing – but new research has shown that, as a form of communication, it ain't messing around. A new study has found that certain whale ...
A whale has no energy for song “if it’s harder to gather the food resources it needs to sustain a body that can weigh more ...
Researchers are listening for right whales off the coast of Massachusetts with the help of two new high-tech buoys.
Baleen whales communicate with each other across the expanse of the ocean by singing. Some songs — like those of gray whales and humpbacks — are elaborate and higher-pitched. These songs are within ...
Ocean-bottom seismology stations are designed to monitor earthquakes, and often pick up whale songs. Researchers have previously used these incidental recordings to track fin whale movements, but this ...
A hungry whale is a quiet whale ... “Beyond being beautiful compositions that are wonderful to listen to, these songs are a window into their lives and their resilience through a heat wave ...