The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre is leading a bold project to restore and rewild the Bass Strait Island, Lungtalanana.
It had been decades since an echidna had been spotted on the island of Lungtalanana, northeast of Tasmania. Not much was ...
Using cameras, acoustic monitors, and field surveys in collaboration with Dr Liz Znidersic from Charles Sturt University, the ...
Nature has found a way after an echidna was spotted on an island where wildlife was mostly destroyed by a devastating ...
A scientist who witnessed a tiger shark vomiting up an echidna during the course of a three-year project off the Queensland coast says it was a "one in a million" sight. James Cook University ...
Scientists captured images of an elusive echidna named after the British biologist Sir David Attenborough for the first time in over 60 years. Attenborough's long-beaked echidna was last recorded ...