Men's resident powerhouse, but several of his relatives are even more powerful, with a huge range of mutant powers.
Wolverine and Sabretooth prepare for their final battle in the last issue of Jonathan Hickman and Greg Capullo's Wolverine: ...
In this rebooted world, Colossus rules over the Eurasian Republic alongside his sister Magik and Omega Red. Dubbed “the Winter Soldier” in this story, Wolverine is still closer to his Weapon X ...
An exclusive preview of Ultimate Wolverine #3 reveals that the MCU Avenger Black Widow is secretly working with the X-Men.
When it comes to X-Men roster members, Colossus is a steely standout. The muscle of the team, yes, but the metallic mutant often acts as the heart of the team, too. A towering figure, Colossus ...