A Sinajana resident was shocked to come home Friday night and find his condo in disarray – and a stranger sitting on his ...
Juan Manuel Roman/ Journal of Archaeological Science Researchers have discovered the world's oldest wine in a Roman burial site in Spain. The drink contains a surprising ingredient – a man's ...
While red and white wine have similar effects on overall cancer risk, new research suggests white wine may carry a hidden ...
A case has been brought before the Superior Court of Guam involving a man who was reportedly found sitting and drinking in an ...
or three pints/two 250ml glasses of wine for a woman. The NHS advises men and women not to drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week on a regular basis. If you are drinking 14 units, these should ...
Wine was sometimes mixed in a special vessel ... in the company of the classical world’s most brillant and learned men, drinking and talking until late. Most symposia, however, would have ...
Compared to nondrinkers, the men who enjoyed a glass or two ... Even the health benefits associated with wine disappear when people drink too much. For example, the studies cited above indicating ...