Dear Annie: My wife, “Patsy,” and I have been married for 50 years, each one better than the last. Perhaps your readers might ...
I’d love advice from you and your readers. I feel stuck in my marriage. I’m in my mid-40s, married for many years, with a teenager. How hard is marriage supposed to be? I have been torn for ...
Those apposing the Marriage Amendment want to redefine marriage. The long-time definition has served civilization well. There is no other civil institution that provides in a natural way for the ...
In response to Cindy Kraemer’s letter from Aug. 29, the definition of marriage is not changing and is not evolving. When looking at defining what true marriage is, there has to be an absolute ...
Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, wrote of an unspecified great matter of state said to bear directly on the Queen’s life.