Usually, you will use the cash-back site or mobile app to browse available products and deals, though if you prefer, "you can install a desktop app or browser extension that notifies you of ...
5% Cash back on everyday purchases at different places ... you can freeze your account from your mobile app or online account, plus get free delivery for your replacement card.
Cash back is just one of a few different rewards currencies you can earn with a credit card. Here's everything you need to know.
There used to be many debit cards that offered cash back, much like many of the best credit cards do. But since a regulatory change in 2010, there aren’t many cash back debit cards left.
If you want to maximize your rewards, a 5% cash-back card can be a smart addition to your wallet as they often have standard interest rates and no annual fee. The Discover it® Cash Back is one ...
Cash back credit cards are extremely popular, and it's easy to see why. These cards offer rewards on everyday expenses, which is just what you need when prices are still on the high side.