If you have ever stared at a moldy piece of bread and a fuzziness is viewed you are looking at colonies of spores. Spores ...
If you buy or bake bread, at one point or another, you've probably ended up discovering a spot or more of mold on your loaf.
We've all been there. The loaf of bread you bought a couple weeks ago is starting to grow mold and you're wondering "Maybe I can just cut the part where I can see the mold and eat the clean part." ...
You're in the mood for a sourdough sandwich, so you grab the loaf in your bread box. That's when you see it: mold. Though it's frustrating to see signs of mold on sourdough bread (especially on a ...
Sourdough bread uses wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria for leavening, offering nutritional benefits and easier digestion. Mold, a fungus, thrives in moist, warm environments and breaks down ...