Waking up before dawn and leaving my husband sleeping, I creep along the trail, coffee in one hand, camera in the other. It’s ...
Vijay Anil, winner of the 2024 Auto Photo Awards, shares his creative process and the inspiration behind his award-winning ...
Impressionism: From Photography to Painting' is the new book by Réhahn, exploring the Impressionist movement through creative ...
Many things about digital cameras are identical to film cameras, a few things are slightly tweaked from film expectations, and a number of features are unique to digital photography. Some of the ...
There are countless composition techniques you can use to improve your smartphone photography — too many to list here.
In the era of smartphone photography, the iPhone has transformed the way we capture and share our experiences and we have an ...
From lens focal lengths and fill-flash to portraits, macro or stunning landscapes there are techniques for everyone. Learn how to use metering, considering composition and shoot everything from ...
Here I'll talk about "crossover;" by that I mean how you can apply adventure shooting skills and techniques to your everyday photography. There are many places just around your neighborhood ...
Focus means how sharp the image is. This can be used to emphasise a certain point - for instance by focusing on an object close to the camera or further away. This can create meaning in an image ...
In analogue photography ISO refers to how sensitive the film in the camera is to light. The same scale is now used in digital photography to describe the light sensitivity of the chip. A higher ...
‘Dance of Dragonflies’ is part of a broader body of work that explores the more surreal side of nature. Through her composite images, Traci invites viewers to pause, reflect and immerse themselves in ...