Pokémon Pink is a cancelled enhanced version of Pokémon Red and Blue, however was scrapped in favor of Pokémon Yellow. The latest and greatest games got you feeling frustrated? We’re here to ...
Pokemon Go has revealed a new Mega Raid Day event, adding one of the final needed Mega Evolutions to the mobile game.
A Pokemon fan artist carves a small figurine of the Paradox critter Scream Tail and shares their impressive handiwork for ...
Now, one Pokemon fan artist called qobrosii decided to share a baby form of Lickitung with the community. Called Lickle, this pre-evolution is a cute light pink Pokemon with an enormous tongue ...
Love is in the air on Pokemon Go. Creator Niantic has launched a special Valentine's Day event where users can earn double the amount of candy, as well as catch more pink Pokemon such as Clefairy ...