How Sahil Vakil, Founder of MRYA and adjunct professor at NYU, is talking to his clients about investing in art.
We will be waiving the $60 application fee for all Fall 2025 MFA applicants. There will still be a SlideRoom fee to submit your portfolio. The portfolio, completed application, and all required ...
Your portfolio says a lot about you: your level of enthusiasm and how you interpret ideas through art. The College of Art and Design is interested in reviewing your best work. This helps us in ...
Your portfolio may include "work in progress." Sketches can provide valuable information about how you see, how you work, and how you think. We can review your art portfolio on the phone with you in ...
Recent SVA grad Talya Alsberg from the Photography and Video department shares the progression of her art portfolio beginning in HS to the work she completed her ...
Wizards of the Coast announced yesterday portfolio submissions for art are now being accepted online for review. The open call for portfolio submissions is open now until 4 p.m. (PST) on Monday ...
National Portfolio Days, offered at the undergraduate and graduate levels, are about the exchange of information about prospective students’ work, college plans and concerns. RIT College of Art and ...
A3 and A4 art portfolios easily fit in most airlines' standard sizes for carry-on luggage and are allowed on planes in the United States. A1 and A2 portfolios have bigger sizes that go over the ...
The University of Wisconsin Art Department is showcasing the class of 2021’s art portfolios online. The portfolios, which display pieces ranging from sound to glassblowing, are available to see on the ...