Develop your employability and team-working while consulting ... you will receive pre-project training around consultancy, project management, professional and presentation skills. Teams also attend ...
You can also speak to the Career Management team to discuss your professional development or how to develop your transferable skills (professional members only). The Consultancy Group was involved in ...
The study of Classics is a rigorous academic program that enables the development ... how to write professional emails, etc.) And these are only a few; the University of Cambridge has also put ...
The objectives were to support students in the development of transferable skills that would be useful for future employment. In addition to developing discipline related skills which, in this case, ...
Whether you call them “soft skills,” “higher order skills,” “employability skills,” or “student skills,” they are the skills that take students beyond chemistry knowledge into the world of chemical ...
For the collaborative design and implementation of regional, national and international activities which embed transferable skills and employability-focused ... communication and time management ...
Many skills that you use on a day-to-day basis are transferable skills that employers love! You just need to describe them in the right way. Learning the lingo and applying these skills in a ...