Ruracios belong to the relatives. Many WhatsApp groups were treated to some rather detailed document on ruracio (dowry) requirements recently. Some items on the list were downright ridiculous - it ...
This week, many WhatsApp groups were treated to some rather detailed document on ruracio (dowry) requirements. Some items on the list were downright ridiculous - it turns out that one has to pay a ...
The flashy designer recently held a celeb-filled ruracio in Ukambani while paying dowry for his wife, with whom he has been for over 10 years. Bolo and Mueni are currently on vacation in the ...
Also Read: Polycarp Igathe Says He Will Beat Sakaja In The Nairobi Gubernatorial Race “I had the privilege of attending a vibrant ‘ruracio’ ceremony for Luios Muthengi Kimanzi and Matilda ...