Vikas Khanna welcomed the actress and her friends for dinner. Later, the chef also gifted her the iconic Mysore Sandalwood Soap. He also gifted her a handcrafted marble box from Agra and the book ...
It is called Mysore sandalwood. It took two years to prepare ... where Maharana Pratap attacks Mansingh, seated on an elephant, with a spear. Together, these windows encapsulate the bravery ...
Mysore Sandal Soap, which proudly bears a GI (geographical indication) tag, is one of Karnataka’s most iconic products. DH's Asra Mavad visits the government-run soap factory in Bengaluru to ...
Vikas Khanna welcomed the actress and her friends for dinner. Later, the chef also gifted her the iconic Mysore Sandalwood Soap. He also gifted her a handcrafted marble box from Agra and the book ...