Monterey Bay Aquarium is asking the public to name its newest sea otter addition. "We’re otterly excited to ...
How cute critters can inspire kids to protect the ocean. How sea otters help protect undersea meadows How sea otters help protect undersea meadows Massive marine die-off in Russia could threaten ...
When an invasive species of crab was threatening an entire ecosystem in Monterey County's Elkhorn Slough, an unexpected hero stepped in to save the day.
FUKUOKA--Only three sea otters remain at aquariums in Japan, and they are now treated like rock stars because of their advancing years. Japan was once home to dozens of the cute mammals.
Adorably fuzzy sea otters aren’t just cute. The marine mammals serve a crucial role, helping to restore the giant kelp forests they rely on by removing their top predators, the sea urchins.