In one dramatic moment, a 70-foot-long net dropped, and about 20 bighorn sheep were captured, much to their surprise.
A terrestrial biologist with Colorado Parks and Wildlife explains how the Rampart herd of bighorn sheep west of Colorado Springs came into existence, and it was all on accident. COLORADO SPRINGS ...
In August, FOX5 joined NDOW as they tested the herd to see where they stood. Bennett says those results show the population is now battling a new strain of pneumonia. Of the 11 sheep tested ...
News5 had the unique opportunity of joining Colorado Parks and Wildlife to see firsthand the kind of work and process that goes behind creating a new bighorn sheep herd in Colorado. COLORADO ...
In January, Colorado Parks and Wildlife began an operation to capture 20 Rampart Bighorn Sheep to start a new herd. Every morning staff and volunteers have been spreading apple pulp and alfalfa to ...