Shoresy is a sports drama series and spin-off of Letterkenny that follows the lead character who joins the Sudbury Bulldogs team in Ontario, Canada, intending to never lose again. Here’s all the ...
The Canadian series Shoresy, a spin-off of Letterkenny, has been renewed for a fifth season on Crave, promising an exciting future for the Sudbury Bulldogs and their leader, Shoresy.
the new season follows Shoresy (Keeso) as he explores life after hockey and the Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs contend with the distractions of summer in Sudbury, ON.
It’s no great stretch, perhaps, that Chase Coughlan should become the first player on the Sudbury Wolves roster to land a regular role on TV. Teammates and fans might tell you, after all, that ...
The fourth season will follow Shoresy, a foul-mouthed tough guy played by Keeso, as he explores life after hockey, and the Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs, a struggling hockey team in a fictional ...
Now in it’s fourth season, and on the heels of their first championship, Shoresy and his teammates try to navigate a ...
The Bulldogs prepare to play the American team; Shoresy is enraged to find out that out of the whole team, only Frankie is being considered for a calendar shoot.
The premiere date for Season 4 of Jared Keeso's original hit comedy series Shoresy has been announced along with the show's ...
Shoresy decides to attend his family reunion; the Bulldogs go head-to-head with the North Bay Norsemen.