Since the 1960s, one constant in this ongoing pursuit of elusive subatomic knowledge has been the chemical element germanium. Situated in the carbon column of the periodic table between silicon and ...
runs not in bog standard Silicon CMOS but Silicon-Germanium bipolar technology. And this is accessible to you and me, of course, provided you have the skills to design in this high-speed analog ...
Many people giving talks had complained about the current germanium transistors -- they had a bad habit of not working at high temperatures. Silicon, since it's right above germanium on the ...
has developed new silicon photonics and BiCMOS silicon-germanium processes in collaboration with key customer and data center giant Amazon Web Services (AWS). Those new processes are intended to ...
But they have a rich history, going back through the silicon era to germanium junction transistors, and thence to the original devices. if you’ve ever looked at the symbol for a transistor and ...
Some silicon-based semiconductors lack gallium, and specialized glasses can be substituted for germanium in certain infrared technologies. Solar cells are often doped with boron instead of gallium.
Mario Paniccia, Intel fellow and director of Intel's Photonics Technology Lab, talks to Nature Photonics about the company's progress in commercializing high-speed silicon photonics. We have been ...
(SiGe) A semiconductor material made from silicon and germanium. Germanium is very similar to silicon, but when one layer is grown on top of the other to form the base of the transistor ...
Since the 1960s, one constant in this ongoing pursuit of elusive subatomic knowledge has been the chemical element germanium. Situated in the carbon column of the periodic table between silicon ...