Watch the heart-warming moment when two intrepid heroes save some baby turtles from the jaws of a hungry crocodile!
7-9 month-old baby turtle found stranded in Jebel Ali Marine ... loggerheads are not known to nest in the Arabian Gulf, and one this small could not have travelled from outside the region.
Weighing up to 700 pounds green turtles are among the largest sea turtles in the world. Their proportionally small head, which is nonretractable, extends from a heart-shaped carapace that measures ...
Well, what happens next in the turtles' lives - the juvenile years - that has been a bit more of a mystery. In fact, scientists call it the lost years. So researchers set out to catch baby turtles ...
“We’ve had massive data gaps about the early baby to toddler life stages ... tags to the fast-growing shells of young wild turtles. Steering small boats, they looked for young turtles drifting ...
The crocodiles in this video are still young and relatively small, making the adult turtles ... in the video work so quickly to rescue the baby turtles from the croc pen. Female yellow-bellied ...