There are chemical controls which can be applied to prevent spurge. Using pre-emergent herbicides in spring can prevent weed seeds from germinating - as spurge seeds can remain dormant in the soil ...
As a prohibited noxious weed on the control list, landowners must attempt to control the spread of propagating parts by preventing the seed from maturing. To manage leafy spurge, infestations need ...
Sheep can effectively control leafy spurge. Once they acquire a taste for it ... digestion will destroy many, but not all, weed seeds. Livestock also have indirect benefits in a weed management system ...
Local officials ramp up efforts to control invasive plants, assist landowners with mitigation, and warn of fast-spreading ...
Two insects, the black dot spurge beetle ... scentless chamomile seed weevils may contact Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. Inundative biocontrol involves applying large quantities of a control agent ...