That's because humans have evolved to generally avoid risk and prefer things the way they are, a phenomenon known as status quo bias, says Brad Klontz, a certified financial planner, financial ...
Resilience is getting knocked down 10 times and getting up 11. That “grit,” as psychologist Angela Duckworth calls it, is a ...
Rather, much anti-immigrant fervor stems from what George Mason University's Bryan Caplan has dubbed the "status-quo bias" — a preference for the status quo because it is the status quo.
Status quo bias is a preference for the current state of affairs. We often avoid change; and if faced with a choice tend to go-with-the-flow of pre-set options or defaults. We can be cognitive misers, ...
In December this year, Status Quo will cease to exist as an electric band. Once they finish their 2016 touring commitments, Francis Rossi and Rick Parfitt will pack away their Telecasters and ...