Jaws isn't responsible for most of the threats tiger sharks face—coastal development, marine pollution, longline fishing, the popularity of shark fin soup—but it did create a cultural attitude ...
As one of the divers with Nascimento opened a crate of fish to toss to several tiger sharks, one of them snapped at the diver holding a camera. The shark kept biting and eventually partially ...
Divers hanging out with a school of tiger sharks in the Bahamas had a wild run-in with one particularly curious specimen. A video shared by diver Andrea Ramos Nascimento on Instagram shows a shark ...
While camping on a remote island, we came face-to-face with a massive Tiger Shark, one of the ocean’s most powerful predators. Living off the ocean has been a test of survival, but this ...
During a guided tour with Grosmaire earlier this year, he sat down next to me on a boat and shared a video showing himself meeting a massive tiger shark face to face. As he went in for a kiss ...
came face to face with sharks. The area where the swimmers were diving is a known tiger shark habitat. A group of divers came face to face with some of the ocean's top predators during an excursio ...