Read the marketing material for any fund and you'll often find the manager saying that they take either a "top-down" or a "bottom-up" approach. Sometimes they claim to do both: "the fund combines ...
Definition: Bottom-up nanotechnology is an innovative approach to constructing nanostructures that differ significantly from traditional top-down manufacturing methods. Instead of carving out or ...
Top-down nanotechnology represents a traditional approach to nanofabrication, contrasting with the atom-by-atom assembly characteristic of bottom-up methods. This technique involves starting with a ...
Moreover, in both the current and former governments, there has been some mixture of a trickle-down and bottom-up approach. For example, rural electrification in which homes and businesses in the ...
active engagement PE approach, firms are reaping the benefits. PE investing is meticulous. Rigorous screening of targets, based on top-down themes and bottom-up analysis, keeps investing firms ...