Video shared on social media by False Creek Ferries of the Sunday incident shows four transient killer whales — also known as Bigg’s killer whales — cruising past high-rise buildings ...
Footage shows the mysterious killer whales patrolling a submarine canyon off Monterey, Ca. “There were fins everywhere we looked.” ...
How to spot identify Southern Resident orca Southern Residents are one of three types of orcas that can be found in Washington waters, along with Bigg’s (transient) and offshore killer whales.
In addition to the Southern Resident pods, Washington is also home to the Bigg’s, or transient killer whales, which are subject to a 200-yard buffer under federal law. Southern Residents feed almost ...
Experts said the members of this family are also referred to as ‘transient’ orcas, meaning they cover a large range between southeast Alaska to the Mexico border. “Lucky passengers aboard ...
Boating his entire life, Gardiner said he has seen southern resident whales, transient Biggs, grays and Humpbacks. “Every single time it is a magical experience. The first thing we do is we're ...
Social media users were blown away by the scene in the viral clip, with one saying: "I would be in heaven if this happened to me." ...