These results underscore the role that rock strength plays in crafting landscapes like the Rockies or the Great Plains; while ...
“Before starting the program, I knew I wanted to work in health equity,” says Okonofua, who volunteers as a mentor with Dalla ...
So when Okonofua sought the next step towards realizing her twin ambitions – becoming a public health physician and expanding ...
Zayne Thawer (EngSci 2T0+ PEY) never imagined the career path his Professional Experience Year Co-op Program (PEY Co-op) at ...
A team led by researchers at the University of Toronto has discovered that a compound present in ginger selectively binds to ...
Mohammadamir Moghaddam is recognized for strong academic performance and leadership in university and community activities ...
Laura Thompson (ChemE 1T6) and Sofia Bonilla (ChemE PhD 1T7) have used their engineering education to establish Certified B ...
In their initial surveys, the researchers found that the more people habitually tried to be happier, the less they reported ...
Glen Boothe , a co-founder of the luncheon who works in U of T’s division of advancement, said the event isn’t only about ...
In a study published in the journal Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry, researchers in the Faculty of Arts & Science’s ...
Diets low in carbohydrates and soluble fibres can drive the growth of polyps in the colon, increasing the risk of developing ...
Past research has established that polar bear cubs’ odds of survival are impacted by how long their mothers spend denning.