Liebherr, a German-Swiss multinational equipment manufacturer based in Switzerland producing everything from fridges to heavy ...
In the '90s, a small French automaker introduced a V12-powered supercar that could have rivaled the McLaren F1.
Some diesel engines break the stereotype with surprisingly great sound. Here are eight of the best-sounding diesel engines that might just change your mind.
Though horsepower may never be the same with the electrification of the auto industry, BMW has made some truly powerful engines, which we've ranked here.
They have the ability to kick out some tremendous horses, scream like no other, and they can pin you into your seat instantly; V-12 engines aren't for the faint-hearted. Rarely used today ...
The sound of a V8 engine is one of the reasons why buyers go for high-performance models. A few years ago, Mercedes-Benz announced that V8 and V12 engines would gradually disappear from its AMG ...
Ferrari’s design places the longer edge of the piston from the outer side of the engine block to the inner vee. This innovative design can make room for a shorter engine, leaving space for hybrid elem ...