Discover the forgotten tale of Batman's lost Robin: a story of sacrifice, redemption, and the lasting impact it had on the ...
From Spider-Man to TMNT to Judge Dredd to Elmer Fudd, Batman has had a lot of strange and wonderful crossovers. These are the ...
How much is Martha Wayne worth dead? And who else is Bruce Wayne telling his secret to? Absolute Batman #6 Spoilers ...
There are many enemies who test Batman physically and mentally. Bane is one of the few who can manage both tasks. Given that, it is unsurprising that a new version of the “Man Who Broke the Bat ...
In one issue, Watters and Sherman set up an homage to Gareth Evans’ lauded action movie The Raid: Redemption, as Batman steps in to rescue a police officer held hostage somewhere in Bledin Towers’ 215 ...
When most people think of Batman’s best sidekick, they think of Robin, but there’s another who is much more important to Batman and his quest, — his venerable butler, Alfred Pennyworth ...