A new study looking at the impact of road salt on wood frogs suggests the species may be evolving to better withstand the deadly mineral. A host of research on road salt’s impact on wood frogs ...
The next time you snivel, "I am freezing to death," you might want to consider the wood frog, which withstands such bone-chilling cold in winter that its heart stops beating yet does not die.
A small brown frog squats motionless in a den of green moss. It inhales no breath, has no heartbeat, yet it is not dead. Rock hard and icy to the touch, this speckled North American wood frog is ...
Register to be placed on the park district’s list to witness the natural phenomenon of spring breeding behavior of wood frogs, spring peepers and possible large salamanders as they move into The West ...
The wood frog survives extreme winter temperatures by freezing solid, with its heart stopping for nearly eight months. It uses its natural antifreeze, a mix of glucose and urine constituents ...