Knowing what you are doing’ is a simple, but elemental value for any (care) professional. Acknowledging that treatments in ...
The investigation of incidents and accidents, together with subsequent reflection and action, is an essential component of ...
Background Countries with resource-poor health systems have struggled to improve access to and the quality of caesarean section (C-section; CS) for women seeking care in public health facilities.
Correspondence to Shirley M Moore, Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106-4904, USA; smm8{at} Traditionally, nurses have had a key role in ...
Comparing safety, performance and user perceptions of a patient-specific indication-based prescribing tool with current practice: a mixed methods randomised user testing study ...
Rather than being a static property of hospitals and other healthcare facilities, safety is dynamic and often on short time scales. In the past most healthcare delivery systems were loosely ...
3 Biomedical Research Center, Hospital Universitario NS Candelaria, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain Correspondence to: Dr S Nuñez Unidad de Investigacion, Hospital Universitario NS Candelaria, ...
Background Bedside rounds (BR) have been proposed as an ideal method to promote patient-centred hospital care, but there is substantial variation in their implementation and effects. Our objectives ...
Background There is growing international interest in involving patients in interventions to promote and support them in securing their own safety. This paper reports a systematic review of ...
Background Respiratory rate (RR) is an independent predictor of adverse outcomes and an integral component of many risk prediction scores for hospitalised adults. Yet, it is unclear if RR is recorded ...
Most quality improvement or change management interventions are currently designed intuitively and their results are often disappointing. While improving the effectiveness of interventions requires ...