A fan shares an impressive Mega evolution for Victreebel, a Gen 1 Grass/Poison-type creature rumored to get a new form in ...
Pokemon GO Festival of Colors 2025 event debuts the much-awaited Shiny Bruxish. There are different ways to encounter a Shiny Bruxish, especially during featured events like the Festival of Colors.
The Pokémon GO Festival of Colors is returning and bringing a lot of new raid bosses, rewards, and bonuses for certain areas of the world.
Shiny Pokemon are a big draw for a lot of fans of the franchise. Players will spend countless hours trying to find them across various games, in large part due to their rarity. Every once in a while, ...
Shinies are found by simply trying to catch Pokémon and seeing if they display as an alternate colour in the battle and post-battle screens. Normal (left) vs Shiny (right). Credit reddit user ...
Niantic and Pokémon GO are giving players the opportunity to find more Shinies in the game as part of the latest event.
Everything you need to know about 2025's Festival of Colors event in Pokémon Go, including the Festival of Colors research tasks, quest steps and bonuses.
The new season of Pokémon GO, Might & Mastery, will include the release of some new species and Shinies, including Bruxish in ...
The Pokemon GO Festival of Colors 2025 is live, featuring new Shiny Pokemon like Bruxish and increased chances for Shiny Smeargle. The event runs from ...